Hello! Project 2024 Summer ALL OF US "Vega" delivers Tsubaki Factory's new songs "Baby Spider" and Juice=Juice "Naimo Love"! Morning Musume was at the lyrics presentation that touched my heart. '24 members introduce the lyrics of that song! In MC Talk, Hello! will be held from 8/1 to 8/7 in the new corner "Hello! Pro NEXT WEEK". Introducing the progress of the project! ! MC: Reion Inoue (Juice=Juice) & Rin Hashisako (Angerme)

  • 00:00~ Opening
  • 02:23~ “Baby Spider”/Tsubaki Factory (7.13 TACHIKAWA STAGE GARDEN)
  • 05:24~ MC talk! Question and answer (first half)
  • 10:44~ MC talk! Q&A (second half)
  • 13:26~ Lyrics presentation that touched my heart
  • 17:24~ MC talk! New corner “Hello! Pro NEXT WEEK”
  • 23:11~ “Naimo Love”/Juice=Juice (7.13 TACHIKAWA STAGE GARDEN)
  • 26:21 ~ Ending