[Synopsis] Second-year high school students Sora (Kanami Tsujino), Sumire (Julia An), Ichigo (Hitoka Sakai), Momoka (Haruka Koizumi), Hinata (Aki Suda), and Midori (Hiyori Yoshikawa). Rino-sensei, who is popular among the students, gathers the six girls who are meeting her for the first time to perform a dance performance at the third-year send-off party. So, without telling everyone, Ichigo is appointed the leader of the team on the condition that he be exempted from red points. Ichigo struggles to unite her scattered teammates, but just before the actual performance, an incident causes a rift in the team. When she made her wish, "I won't repeat a grade!", she was rewound 30 minutes in time and time leaped before the incident happened...! Ichigo will save her friends from a pinch and make her confession a success! ? And to make her performance a success! She runs around the school and keeps trying again to make sure everything goes well...? The real reason why the six girls were gathered together gradually becomes clear. Will the six people be able to unite and pull off a successful performance for the third farewell party?
[Distribution ticket information] ā 3-day ticket ā¶ļøTicket only: 13,200 yen (tax included) ā¶ļø3-day ticket set with support goods: 16,850 yen (tax included) Sora ver./Sumire ver./Ichigo ver./Momoka ver./Hinata ver./Midori ver. https://live.tv.rakuten.co.jp/content/469569/
ā”Individual ticket for each performance ā¶ļøTicket only: 5,500 yen (tax included) ā¶ļøViewing ticket set with support goods: 9,150 yen (tax included) Sora ver./Sumire ver./Ichigo ver./Momoka ver./Hinata ver./Midori ver. ā Click here for tickets for the Friday, March 29th performance https://live.tv.rakuten.co.jp/content/469571/ ā Click here for tickets for the performance on Saturday, March 30th https://live.tv.rakuten.co.jp/content/469572/ ā Click here for tickets for the March 31st (Sunday) performance https://live.tv.rakuten.co.jp/content/469573/ *Details of support goods: T-shirt with role name and support logo can badge.
[Official SNS of the work] ć»Drama official website: https://retry-tokimeki.com ć»Drama official X: @retry_tokimeki ć»Drama official Instagram: @retry_tokimeki ć»Drama official TikTok: @retry_tokimeki
ā”Official Siteā” http://toki-sen.com
ā”Official TikTokā” https://www.tiktok.com/@tokisen_offic...
ā”Official Xā” https://twitter.com/sendenbu_staff ā”Official Instagramā” https://www.instagram.com/tokisen_sd/
ā”Official FANCLUB Siteā” https://chotokisen-fc.com/
ā”Membersā” šKanami Tsujino (Cho Tokimekiā”Blue) https://www.instagram.com/kanami_tsujino_official/
šJulia An (Cho Tokimekiā”Purple) https://www.instagram.com/julia_an_official/
ā¤ļøHitoka Sakai (Cho Tokimekiā”Red) https://www.instagram.com/hitoka_sakai_official/
šHaruka Koizumi (Cho Tokimekiā”Pink) https://www.instagram.com/haruka_koizumi_official/
šAki Suda (Cho Tokimekiā”Lemon) https://www.instagram.com/akisudaofficial/
šHiyori Yoshikawa (Cho Tokimekiā”Green) https://www.instagram.com/hiyori_yoshikawa_official/
ā§ā¦ā§ Special Thanks 10 Million views !!!!!! ā§ā¦ā§ ļ¼»š„ļ¼½Check on āSuki!~Super ver~ā Live Edit ver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pk9Lj_CZmws