This video is Former AKB Oya Shizuka Paisen appears!

to survive in the entertainment industry What Oya Paisen has done so far Question as a quiz!

It will be for transcendence rough rough Develop "Idol Upstart Quiz"!

Q: What did Oya Paisen always do at concerts? Q: What do you keep in mind when watching VTRs? Q: Why is a hat essential for your Oya?

Furthermore, the paisen that the Oya thinks is amazing is...! ?

Please take a look!

rough rough (From the right of the first row of seating order) Arisa Saito Yoshimura Moenan Meina Hibino Takanashi Yui Miri Hayashi (From the right of the second row) Fuuna Sasaki Nagamatsu Wharf cool breeze natsume Mirai Fujisaki

Oya Shizuka

Tokyo Hoteison

Nobuyuki Sakuma